† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61176089 and 11504083) and the Foundation of Shijiazhuang University, China (Grant No. XJPT002).
Using a transfer matrix method, we investigate spin transport through a chain of polygonal rings with Dresselhaus spin–orbit coupling (DSOC). The spin conductance is dependent on the number of sides in the polygons. When DSOC is considered in a chain which also has Rashba spin–orbit coupling (RSOC) of the same magnitude, the total conductance is the same as that for the same chain with no SOC. However, when the two types of SOC have different values, there results a unique anisotropic conductance.
Over the past few years, due to both experimental and theoretical interest, spintronics has attracted more and more attention,[1–3] in areas such as magnetic memory circuits, quantum computers, magnetic nano-structures, and quasi one-dimensional semiconductor rings. The key focal points in these areas are the effects of quantum coherence in low-dimensions and the generation of spin conductance as well as their applications.[4,5] To obtain a spin conductance, we can, in principle, regulate an external magnetic field to manipulate the spins of the electrons. However, the inefficiency of spin injection from a ferromagnetic lead into a circuit requires a new method to regulate the electron spin. Fortunately, Datta and Das proposed a spin-field-effect transistor device, based on spin–orbit coupling (SOC), to control the electron spin.[3] The mechanisms behind SOC include structure inversion asymmetry, giving Rashba spin–orbit coupling (RSOC),[6] and bulk inversion asymmetry, giving Dresselhaus spin–orbit coupling (DSOC).[7] The precise measurement of both of the two types of SOC is important, both experimentally and theoretically, for designing spin electronic devices.
In 2004, Bercioux et al.[8] investigated electron localization phenomena and conductance in a one-dimensional chain of square loops with RSOC, which is the simplest structure for a quantum network. This work resulted in a new theoretical platform for electron spin transport in a quantum network. Inspired by these promising predictions, several theoretical and experimental studies have reported on the spin transport properties of polygonal structures[9–16] and the quantum transport properties of one-dimensional quantum chains.[17–21] The experimental realization of transport through an array of square loops with RSOC has been discussed by Koga et al.[9] Bercioux et al.[17] studied the quantum transport through a chain with diamond shaped subunits (squares joined at the corners) in the presence of RSOC and a magnetic field. Wang et al.[18,19] have also studied quantum transport properties through a quantum network with RSOC.
To date, RSOC has drawn a lot of attention because it can be accurately controlled by an external electric field. However, an experiment designed by Meier et al.[10] has shown that both the RSOC and the DSOC can be measured by optically tuning the angular dependence of the electron spin precession on the direction of motion with respect to the crystal lattice. This opens up the possibility of using the DSOC more effectively. Although the transport properties through a one-dimensional chain of polygonal rings with RSOC have been discussed, there has been little discussion of the effects of DSOC on electron transport and little on the interaction between the RSOC and the DSOC in a chain of polygonal rings. The present work addresses spin transport properties through a chain of polygons with DSOC and also considers quantum interference effects when both the DSOC and the RSOC are present. This analysis may contribute to a basic understanding of transport in quantum network structures.
In this paper, employing the standard transfer matrix method, we consider the effects of DSOC and the combined effects of RSOC and DSOC in a chain of polygonal rings. The theoretical model is presented in Section
The system under study is a ballistic chain of polygonal rings with two leads, as depicted in Fig.
Based on the Hamiltonian of a segment, we can obtain the corresponding eigenstates of an electron in the segment
In this section, we concentrate on the physics of Eq. (
From Fig.
In addition, when a chain of octagonal rings is connected along segments, the even–odd oscillations for the spin conductance can be seen in Fig.
The spin conductances for a chain of hexagonal rings that are connected at nodes are shown in Fig.
In this part, we concentrate on the effect of DSOC on a chain of polygonal quantum rings which are also subject to RSOC. Firstly, we consider the case where the strength of the RSOC, αR, and the strength of the DSOC, αD, have the same value. The spin conductance versus kl when the polygonal rings of the chain are connected at nodes and when the polygonal rings of the chain are connected along segments are shown in Figs.
Here, we should point out that the total conductance for a chain without SOC overlaps the lines for Gtotal. When the two types of SOC have the same value, we can see that the total conductance for a chain with the same RSOC and DSOC is the same as the total conductance for a chain without SOC no matter which kind of connection type is assumed for the polygonal rings. For αR = αD, the SOC shifts down the entire spectrum of a chain by a constant value.[29] The SOC cannot affect the charge density for the Hamiltonian eigenstates. This is a result of the intrinsic symmetry of the Hamiltonian.[30] Unlike the conductance for a chain without SOC, the RSOC and the DSOC can each separately induce spin polarization in the conductance through a chain of polygonal rings. However, the total conductance for a chain of polygonal rings cannot be regulated by the SOC when the two types of SOC have the same value. Using this property, the strength of the DSOC can be measured using the known strength of the RSOC, which can be controlled accurately by an electric field.
Next, we concentrate on the total conductance in a chain of polygonal rings subject to both RSOC and DSOC when the two types of SOC have arbitrary values. The total conductance through a chain when hexagonal rings are connected at nodes is shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) When kl = 2.5π, total conductance as a function of the RSOC and the DSOC when a chain of hexagons is connected at nodes when (a) m = 3 and (b) m = 4. |
As a realistic model that illustrates this discussion, we note that a spin interferometer based on square loops consisting of In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As quantum wells with RSOC has been designed by Koga et al.[9] In addition, Meier et al.[10] have presented an experiment based on GaAs/InGaAs quantum wells for demonstrating spin resonance induced by oscillating spin–orbit fields such as the DSOC or RSOC. We would therefore like to stress that the use of the effects of DSOC on electron transport in regular polygonal quantum rings is within the reach of today’s technology.
In this paper, using a standard transfer matrix method, we have investigated the spin transport properties of a chain of polygonal quantum rings which are subjected to DSOC. We considered two cases: polygonal rings connected at nodes and polygonal rings connected along polygon segments. When only the DSOC is considered, spin quantum interference appears in both cases. In distinction from the conductance of a single polygonal ring, the conductance of a multi-polygon chain is dependent on the shape of the polygons. Due to the competition between spin precession and quantum interference, the spin conductance for the two cases shows different spectrums. When both the DSOC and the RSOC are considered in a chain of polygonal rings, we find that when the two types of SOC have the same value, the total conductance of a chain is the same as the conductance without SOC of either type. This property can be used to measure the strength of the DSOC using the strength of the RSOC as a reference. The case in which the two types of SOC have arbitrary values has also been discussed.
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